Combined, Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My Business, YouTube and Pinterest, have more than 2.34 BILLION users. With people using Social Media sites and shopping online daily, there hasn’t been a better time for businesses to join in.
Social Media has opened some new doors in terms of marketing to your local consumers. Most of them are using these Social Media platforms, so there’s no reason why your business should not put yourself right in front of them.
Following Are Five (5) Benefits of Using Social Media for your Local Business:
• More and more people are searching for businesses and companies on Social Media sites. In fact, approximately 1/3 of consumers say that they usually search for and check out a company’s Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter page before considering a purchase. If the company does not have a Social Media page, these consumers typically move on and look for a company with a Social Media presence. When a business has Social Media sites, it helps customers feel more at ease about purchases and in their mind, reinforces the company’s credibility.

• Customer service has never been easier and more convenient. Instead of customers having to wait days for a returned call or email, you can quickly resolve issues in real-time. You also have a simple way to engage with many customers all at once, which helps promote a sense of trust between you and your consumers. In addition, you’ll be able to give your business its own unique personality which will attract like-minded people.
• Social Media helps get your company name seen more often. The more pages you have, the more likely your company will rank higher in the major search engines. Social Media sites already rank strongly in Google and other essential search engines. If you have a presence in the popular Social Media sites, not only will your Social Media accounts rank higher in searches, but your company website can be pushed higher as well. If you’re in a high-competition industry, having your business presence show up on the first page of search engine results is imperative.
• The way consumers shop for products and services has dramatically changed. People are conducting more business via the Internet and Social Media sites than ever before. A good majority of consumers who shop online are regularly active on at least one Social Media site. Most of these consumers become fans of the businesses and companies they purchase from, and almost all would post positively on Social Media sites about their experiences with these companies.
• Social Media is free. Aside from optional advertising costs that you can usually purchase for a nominal fee, creating and using Social Media doesn’t cost a penny. It’s free exposure for your business and a way to reach customers worldwide. Despite Internet hoaxes and rumors claiming that the top Social Media sites will start charging, all the major sites have confirmed that the services will remain free. In addition, not only is Social Media here to stay, it’s expected to grow exponentially as users can now use their smartphones to check out their favorite sites.
While Social Media can be a great marketing tool for your company, you probably have questions about it and wonder whether it can really help grow your business. Click this link >>> FREE 30-minute consultation call.
We will evaluate your current Social Media Marketing methods and help you with some suggestions at no obligation.
April L. Taylor
(928) 288-2287